Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Next Generation of Harry Potter

Scene 1


In a small cul de sac there sat a small but boxy shaped house. Around the house was a white picket fence that went all the way around the property. Even the front of the house had the fence all the way around it with just a small Iron Gate right in front of the walkway. A bit apart from the house was a car park with quite an old fashioned Ford sitting inside it. The house was covered with blue shingles and dark blue shutters by the windows. Although the house looked inviting if you looked closer you could see that there was no place that either wasn't covered by either trees or fence. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't see an inch of the small house's backyard or anything else going on the property. The address was 22 Mocking Bird Lane and it was a quiet suburb in Barnes Village London. It looked just like every other muggle house in the neighborhood with a normal muggle family inside but if you tried to look over the picket fence or into a window something strange would happen to you. All of a sudden you would get this uncomfortable headache and it wouldn't go away until you looked away. There was a repel charm all over the property that affected every person that didn't live in the house. Of course when the children had friends over the charm would be lifted for a short period of time but otherwise it did a great job repeling unwanted visitors or busybodies. Ginny had set up this to protect her family. Although she felt quite safe most days being the wife of one of the most famous Wizards in the World Harry James Potter did make her a shade cautious.

The sun hadn't even come up yet and there was a large scuffling sound and there was a little tousled hair little boy standing at the side of a big King size bed with two tired adults sleeping side by side. The woman Ginny had long red hair that was sprayed out across her pillow and all that could be seen of her was the hair and one lone arm peaking outside the white down comforter she was lying under. The man Harry was sleeping on his side only his profile and dark head could be seen as he snored softly. The only light in the room was the hall night light that was lighting up the room with a soft glow that had come into the room with the boy as he left his parent's door wide open.

Eight year old Albus Severus didn't spend more than a minute looking down at his peaceful parents as he gave himself a little pushoff and wiggled his body over his dads right between his two parents. His motion pushed away the covers from his mum Ginny's shoulders and kicked his feet right into his dad's chest causing Harry to let out an unintentional umph as the wind got knocked out of him.

"Albus " Harry said with just a hint of frustration showing in his voice. "How many times have mum and I told you the day doesn't begin in this house until the clock chimes 7 times?."

As Harry was talking he noticed the look of disappointment just starting to show up on his youngest son's features. As usual this stopped his lecture cold, and Harry found himself starting to grin and before he could help himself his hand reached over and started fluffing the curly black curls in front of him. Soon this turned into more physical play and Albus was giggling in delight as his dad started playing with him picking up his wand in the middle of their play creating interesting crawly light creatures which he allowed to squirm around on the little boys arms and legs. It was Albus's favorite game.

"Oh daddy do more do more" Albus started to squeal and at that sound Ginny stopped  trying to pretend to be asleep and looked up at 2 of her favorite guys. She was unable to hide the grin that was popping up on her own face as she tried to sound stern.

"Really you two. How many times have I told you to take you shenanigans out of the bedroom?" Do you want to wake up the baby?"

Harry looked up a guilty look on his face but instead of apologizing he turned toward his wife and snogged her right on the mouth. Harry was never shy about showing his wife how much he loved her and all the kids in the family were used to seeing such signs of affection between the loving couple.

Albus waited patiently to see them finish and then squirmed himself between his parents and gave them large hug. It wasn't until the hug was complete that Albus remembered the real reason he had entered the room to begin with. For the first time it had not been the sun waking him up but instead the tap tap on his window glass

. When Albus had looked up to see what the strange noise was he saw an owl sitting on his window sill with a large white envelope in it's beak. Albus drew open the window and the owl looked at him and his still sleeping older brother on the bed next to his and dropped the letter right into Albus's small hands. He looked down at the envelope and saw it said to Master James Potter 22 Mockingbird Lane Barnes Village London 2nd bedroom.

Albus looked down at his brother who was completely buried under the covers and decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to wake him. The last time he tried that he had gotten a good punch in the chest as his half asleep older brother tried to push him away from him. James had told him that he hadn't meant it and he had done it in his sleep but Albus wasn't sure that was really the truth. James had been known to have quite a temper and you never knew how he would react when disturbed.

Making a decision Albus put the letter down on the desk and went to go get his mum. It was only Ginny that had the skill to wake her oldest son without fear of nasty repercussions. Even Harry had to agree she had some kind of magic charm to sooth James in some way that he didn't fight her like he fought the rest of the world. Maybe it was because he was a Ginger just like she was and had that Weasley strong will like his cousins and Uncles.

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